The Standard Cohort Response Form


Congratulations on being selected to join Cohort 7 of the Standard! Please review and submit this form to confirm your spot in the Standard!

If you wish to decline, please email 

Participants in The Standard are expected to make every effort to attend events, including those targeted to their cohort as well as all-cohort events. Each participant is granted 2 unexcused absences each semester. Examples of excused absences is below.
Each event will request your RSVP in advance. This helps OME Staff plan appropriately for food and space.

If you cannot attend an event that you are required to go to, you can RSVP “No” and provide more context for your response. Should it fall into the categories below, you will be excused.
If you have 2+ unexcused absences, it will impact your access to professional development funding. Continued unexcused absences may result in dismissal from the program.
Examples of Excused Absences:

  • Class/lecture
  • Professor/TA office hours
  • Athletic commitment
  • Work commitment

All other absences need to be discussed with OME Staff in advance of the event and are subject to approval. Avoid these outcomes by RSVPing for events as appropriate and maintaining contact with OME Staff!

The Executive Committee serves as an advisory body to OME Staff and helps steer the program's direction. Elections for each cohort's Executive Committee representation takes place in the spring semester for service in the following year. Up to 2 students per cohort (max of 8 students total) make up the committee. 

General/All Members:

  • Provides leadership and direction for The Standard with guidance from OME Staff
  • Represents The Standard in the MIT community
  • Provides remarks at annual Induction Ceremony (1-2 members)
  • Assists OME Staff as needed

The Standard's professional development fund provides each member with $400 in funding for use toward professional development goals. Professional development indicates training or opportunities that will prepare you through experience, skill building, or otherwise for future success after MIT, whether in industry or graduate school.

The fund replenishes in accordance with MIT's fiscal year (July 1 - June 30). Members can access their funding at any time during the year with assistance from OME staff.
Expenses can be paid upfront by the OME with prearrangement or via reimbursement. To be reimbursed, a copy of the receipt listing the student's name and the amount paid needs to be submitted via email. Reimbursement will occur via direct deposit (if setup in Atlas) or paper check delivered to the OME (checks can be mailed home by special request).

Funding can be used for (this list is not exhaustive):

  • Graduate school standardized test prep and registration fees (e.g, GRE, LSAT, MCAT, GMAT)
  • Internship-related travel expenses (e.g., airfare)
  • Conference-related expenses (e.g., registration, airfare, hotel)
  • Special program fees (e.g., Management Leadership for Tomorrow)
  • Graduate school application fees
  • Skill building activities related to a future job (e.g., coding books, Coursera subscription, etc.)
  • Professional dress clothes (through special permission - must be done in-person only and not reimbursable)
  • Other expenses approved by OME staff

The list above is not exhaustive. If you have questions about whether something would qualify as professional development, contact OME Staff to discuss.

Funding cannot be used for:

  • Electronics
  • Textbooks for classes
  • MIT fees (e.g., registration hold fees, etc.)
  • Meals
FYI/Upcoming: As part of membership in The Standard, you will meet 2x per semester with an OME Staff member. You first meeting will take place before the end of October. A separate email with details to sign up for an appointment will be sent after we receive your response to this form.