Become a TSR^2 Facilitator!

Enjoy helping and teaching others? Apply to join the TSR2 as a Facilitator (FA)!

Photo: TSR^2 Tutoring

The Talented Scholars Resource Room (TSR2), located in 16-159, provides support and resources to MIT students in virtually any subject, with a focus on first-year GIRs. The sessions are run by Facilitators (FAs): advanced upperclassmen and graduate students that are committed to and enjoy teaching and supporting a diverse population of MIT students. The services provided by TSR2 FAs include the following:


One-on-One Sessions

Students can book a 1hr one-on-one appointment with a facilitator in the subject of their choosing through TSR2 scheduling system (Nimbus app). All facilitators are required to have four, hour-long one-on-ones available every week.

P-Set Nights

These consist of weekly 4-hour drop-in sessions lead by FAs in the TSR2 (16-159) and via Zoom.  Each night’s session focuses on a specific subject, which can be viewed in the semester P-Set Night schedule posted outside the TSR2. Typically, P-Set Nights are for Biology, Chemistry, Math, and Physics GIRs. *UPDATE Electrical Engineering and Computer Science has been added as P-Set Night.

Exam Reviews

FAs lead exam reviews in a selection of subjects (mainly GIRs) throughout each semester. These reviews are advertised through our mailing list and  take place 24-48 hours before the exam itself.


TSR2 FAs are expected to work a minimum of 6 hours each week, including 2 hours of P-Set Night and 4 hours of availability for one-on-ones and/or leading a Facilitated Study group . In addition, FAs should note the following:

  • Have excellent communication and teaching skills 
  • MIT graduate student or MIT upper-division undergraduate who has earned an A (or ASEd) the course they are interested in supporting
  • Have excellent levels of responsibility, reliability, and punctuality 
  • Exhibit appropriate and professional behavior at all times

NOTE: Unfortunately, we are not able to employ international or non-registered graduate students.

NOTE: Working as a TSR2 facilitator does not fulfill any departmental TAship requirement.



The salary for undergraduate TSR2 FA’s is $18/hour and is $20/hour for graduate TSR2 FAs.

All position have been filled at this time. Please reach out to


Interested in Applying? Click here

Have questions? Please email for more information.