Jennifer Madiedo
Tell us about your first encounter with MIT's OME Office.
My first encounter with the OME was as a prefrosh going through CPW and attending their panel. I was most struck by how current students talked about they OME. They talked about them as if they were family members, and expressed such deep gratitude and praise for all the work the OME did for them.
What were your initial impressions?
My first impression of the OME was that they would be my cheerleaders throughout my time at MIT. They seemed personally responsible for making sure I was as prepared as possible for MIT, and would be ready to go into the rink for me if I needed anything to advocate for me, even when I couldn't advocate for myself.
Did those impressions change over time?
I wouldn't say they changed but they became even stronger. I came to realize that the OME didn't just care about my success at MIT and academically but they cared deeply about me as a person. I realized that they would be in my corner even beyond MIT.
What programs did you take part in, and how were they helpful?
For many programs, I first participated as a student and then came back and helped facilitate the program. I started out as a scholar in the InterphaseEDGE program. Interphase did more than just prepare me academically, more importantly, it taught me how to learn, how to study, and how to ask for help. I still attribute my success going through MIT with participating in that program. Since then, I have returned to be an RFA and recently, a full instructor. I followed up by participating in SeminarXL my freshman fall. SeminarXL not only helped me pass 8.01 with flying colors, but more importantly, provided a small group setting where we could talk about balancing the firehose that is an MIT semester, and make plans for success in each class. SeminarXL inspired me to get more involved as a tutor, and I followed up being a tutor for the TSR^2. Lastly, I participated in Momentum as a TA. Even though I wasn't a student, being part of Momentum as a TA helped me improve my communication skills and my teaching skills.
What was your most memorable or valuable experience with OME?
One of the most memorable moments for me was the Interphase 50th anniversary celebration. There was something so powerful about being in the same room as some of the original interphase scholars, and hearing all the incredible things they've accomplished in their lives, as well as all the trailblazers that made it possible for the program to become what it is today. You could feel the passion and love that everyone had for the OME and for giving students the tools they need to succeed.
If you had to describe OME with one word, what would it be?